All posts by cabbage

The Management

We’ve just had a meeting. Very civilised with tea and cakes (and very nice cake too thank you). The basic situation is we’re losing money at the moment on most ceilidhs, especially the ones with the more expensive bands.

The best thing would be if we could get more people in to see how much fun it is. Then we could stop worrying about the money. All suggestions will be considered.

If you like it, please bring a friend – If you buy your tickets in advance you can also save on the admission. That’s got to be a win-win for us all.

Here be Dragons

I don’t know whether Mic knew what he was taking on? The unique percussion sound

Ceilidh Chasers - Feb 2014
Ceilidh Chasers – Feb 2014

from the Ceilidh Chasers was made by the clatter of little Dragons Teeth – well not quite.

We had a good number of first timers tonight who seemed to cope with some tricky dancing pretty well – I hope they will be back for more

next month.

Feb14 dancing5-500

The Rolling Stones of e-Ceilidh

Alistair Gillies with All Blacked Up

Well the ABU (All Blacked Up) ceilidh was a great success in that we all enjoyed it. Lots more stepping, even a rant. The Saxophone really does lift the music when its played like that.

On the downside we lost money. Please bring a friend to the next one. Please also give us some feedback, you can use Twitter, Facebook, or this website to tell us what we could do better.


Cardiff Morris
Cardiff Morris

Cardiff Morris did us proud in the interval with their usual quality of dance and enthusiasm. Somehow they still had energy do join in the rest of the dancing too.

Lets Ceilidh!
Lets Ceilidh!

All Blacked Up – on the road

ABU have just started a series of bookings climaxing at the Ruff in Cardiff! (as far as I’m concerned)

…….and at Stroud Ceilidhs we premiered Mike Waterson’s Bright Phoebus as a stephop for Clopton Bridge [with Bill Caddick singing] paired with Melanie ‘s Witshire Hornpipe No2. First time we had played them as a band but it went splendidly…….

Thanks to Stroud Ceilidhs and Alix Boon – we reckon about 100 people which ain’t bad for a damp January. Next up Phoenix Ceilidhs, Adlington [Chorley] 17th Jan, and Ruff Ceilidhs Cardiff, 18th Jan. So that will be more motorways ……

The future?

Just 10 days to go to the next Heath ceilidh/Ruff Ceilidh.

Anticipation is building , is the new management team going to be able to cope?

Will the beer taste the same? The answer is that many of the experienced team that run the event will be carrying on as before, the same bar team, the same filled rolls. Dave and Helen have also booked the bands right up to December 2014 so the change, if there is one, will be gradual.

The main thing is for the people to carry on as before coming to enjoy the night. we look forward to seing you.

Ian Lewis